Press the reset button
The last few months have been challenging for many and the way we work now and, in the future, may be different to life before coronavirus.
The last few months have been challenging for many and the way we work now and, in the future, may be different to life before coronavirus. As a business we wanted to learn how our customers have been affected over the course of the last few months and their perspectives on how their business operations will change in the future. After several discussions with IT Document Solutions clients their biggest concerns highlighted were:
- When will the office reopen?
- Who will return to the office?
- Is it safe for staff to travel?
- Is it safe for staff to work and maintain a safe distance?
- What additional equipment or facilities do we need to provide?
Some of our clients have even said that re-opening the office in 2020 isn’t even a consideration.
As a business owner, my dilemma is:
- Staff safety vs Wellbeing
- Staff efficiency vs Productivity
- Health and safety vs Teamwork and collaboration
- Accountability vs Visibility
I’m sure several businesses are considering the same challenges and are constantly discussing the options for their offices and staff.
So, IT Document Solutions Ltd has decided to do all they can to help organisations make the transition. “Press the Reset Button” and imagine what the new normal might look like and trust in science rather than guesswork. Here’s some to tips:
- When your staff come and go from the building they can be scanned using thermal imaging cameras for any high temperature. It doesn’t mean they have the Coronavirus, however, should they be carrying a bug it will be safer for them to work from home. This will create a smarter working environment, putting the safety of your staff first and help to reduce the spread of the virus.
- Provide hand sanitiser in common areas like around the Photocopier/MFD and use a card or tap authentication software to release print jobs.
- Space out your desks and include see-through plastic shields that are inexpensive and easy to install and remove when the time is right.
Within the print and printer management industry “pressing the reset button” will mean reassessing the needs of the users and deciding on what tools they will require going forward, will printer volumes recover or reduce indefinitely. ITDS Lifecycle Manager was designed to remotely assess your printer fleet, its activity, the activity of users, and make recommendations with regards to the requirements of the business. Device utilisation and the applications your staff are printing from is a vital measure in the process, going into 2021 and understanding the new normal.
In light of the changing world, and the new normal that’s being decided upon, it would suggest that business transformation and the change to digital processes and electronic data storage has been accelerated. IT Document Solutions and its strategic suppliers have been pioneers of this technology and are keen to help everyone who needs assistance and expertise. Docushare and Docuware have been leading the way, however, we have some alternatives designed specifically for the SMB market, which are scalable and affordable for all.
Our message is clear; the out with the old and in with the new approach is no longer fit for purpose, engage with a company that can help you to reassess the needs of your business now and in the future. “Press the Reset Button” with IT Document Solutions and learn more about what you need to know and what we can achieve together.
Discover a new way of working
Speak to our team today to find out how we can help to transform your business.