Optimise your print fleet
Streamline your business processes, maximise efficiency and boost your profits. Sounds like a strong statement doesn’t it?
You’d think to achieve this it would require several radical changes to your entire business, but did you know that your print and document processes could have the potential to deliver such benefits? And, by optimising your print fleet you could have the potential to drive efficiencies across every facet of your organisation.
In the widely used stat by Gartner, office printing can account for anywhere between 1-3% of company revenues, so if print can be streamlined then the savings can be substantial.
However, half the battle is identifying the current landscape of your print fleet, how many devices there are across the network, if they operate efficiently, how much do they print, and whether are they fit for purpose, these are all valid areas that need to be addressed. The key is to provide complete transparency of the print network, so that every device can be monitored and managed correctly.
Lifecycle Manager from IT Document Solutions is a revolutionary print monitoring system, which has the potential to provide insight and critical data across your entire print fleet. It’s a cloud-based solution which remotely monitors and provides intelligence on your fleet of devices to reduce operating costs, maximise resource usage and generate more profit.
The level of intelligence provided is unparalleled, and includes accurate, real-time information. This data is monitored by the support team at ITDS to ensure devices are being utilised to their full potential which allows processes to be streamlined to boost profitability across the business.
Lifecycle Manager is a highly versatile, standardised system. It’s vendor-neutral and works across virtually all print devices from any manufacturer. Mixed deployments aren’t a problem either, as Lifecycle Manager will monitor multifunctional devices, networked and USB printers, large format devices and much more.
This is a solution that is provided to all IT Document Solutions clients as standard on their MPS accounts, because we believe it is vitally important that we support our client’s fleets to the highest possible standard. Our customers have enough to deal with and print should not be one of them, thanks to the level of support we provide via Lifecycle Manager and our continuous improvement programme.
Transform your business today. To see how Lifecycle Manager can improve the management of your print fleet and boost the productivity of your team, please contact us to arrange a free demo.
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