Important changes to franking machines
Royal Mail have announced some upcoming changes to the way mail will be franked and will be transitioning to using barcode technology.
Royal Mail has announced some upcoming changes to the way mail will be franked and will be transitioning to using barcode technology. Read on to understand how these changes may impact you and what action you need to take.
In 2014 Royal Mail introduced Mailmark franking, replacing the traditional crown die indicia with a machine-readable, state-of-the-art 2D barcode. Barcoding products allow Royal Mail to improve operational efficiencies.
Royal Mail will soon be removing the option to use standard machines, and Mailmark machines will become the exclusive offering for franking.
How will I be impacted?
Non-Mailmark machines
If your franking machine prints a non-Mailmark indicia you will need to upgrade your machine. Please contact your usual meter supplier who can provide more information to help you identify an appropriate solution.
Mailmark machines
If your franking machine prints a Mailmark barcode you do not need to upgrade your machine or take any action.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the decertification of standard franking machines mean?
All Royal Mail products are migrating to utilise barcode technology. Franking has moved to Mailmark, a form of a 2D barcode, which is the most efficient and accurate way of processing mail.
Why is Royal Mail decertifying standard franking machines?
From 1st January 2023 customers will no longer be allowed to use their standard franking machines to send mail. ITDS can help to choose the best replacement for standard franking machines.
I use a Mailmark machine so why has Royal Mail sent me the decertification letter?
Royal Mail has written to every customer in its database that has a current licence for a standard franking machine. Some customers may hold licences for both Mailmark and standard franking machines and will have received the decertification letter about their standard franking machine.
What will happen if I try and use my standard franking machine after 1st January 2023?
In the period leading up to 1st January 2023, you will no longer be able to add credit to your standard franking machine. Royal Mail has yet to release the date for when customers will no longer be able to add credit to their standard franking machine. After 1st January 2023, Royal Mail will only accept mail that has been produced by a Mailmark franking machine and any franked mail that doesn’t contain a Mailmark barcode will be returned to the sender.
Have a Mailmark machine already?
Review your contract and see what immediate savings you could make.
To future-proof your mail solutions, talk to our team today at 0207 101 0096.
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