Assess your savings with a free print audit
We’re now into February, but it’s not too late to get your back-office operations ship shape and ready to spring into action.
We’re now into February, but it’s not too late to get your back-office operations ship shape and ready to spring into action
Streamlining your print technology and processes not only helps your business to become more productive and efficient, but it can also drive significant commercial savings too.
A print audit provides the opportunity for an independent specialist to take a holistic view of your print infrastructure and how you manage your document processes to provide an accurate picture of your current spending and recommendations for improvement.
Whilst we offer this as a FREE service, it’s an extremely thorough approach, taking a deep dive into your business and analysing all key areas of your print infrastructure, which can provide a deeper insight into how your print operation can be streamlined and your document processes enhanced to become much more efficient.
Our Approach Stage 1 – Fleet Audit
At ITDS the first stage of our print audit is to assess your current equipment and how print is used within the business. This is done by using a combination of software, as well as a physical walkthrough for any devices that are not on the network. It’s typically done over a set period of approximately 30 days to collect key information, such as:
- Number of devices
- Type of devices
- Volumes printed
- Types of print (colour of black & white)
Stage 2 – End User Review
Stage one gets the facts and figures together, but equally important in this process are the end users, how they utilise print in the business and the challenges they face with the current devices.
We take time to survey your team to understand their print requirements, what they print and the devices they use.
This stage is crucial when it comes to implementing a new print solution long term, as it’s essential to understand the end user’s perspective and staff culture and their requirements to ensure buy-in to any new solution that is implemented at a later date.
Stage 3 – Audit Report
The information gathered in the first two stages is collated and assessed by one of our print specialists to provide recommendations on where potential savings can be made. It also includes recommendations for cost control measures, improving security, productivity and sustainability for your business. It covers key areas such as:
- Device management
- Print spend
- Consumables use
- Print volumes
- Large print runs
- Colour us versus black & white
- Print waste
- Digital and scanning workflows
- Document security
The report is presented back to you to discuss the results, highlight key areas for improvement and the recommendations put forward to optimise your print infrastructure and processes.
Discover a new way of working
Speak to our team today to find out how we can help to transform your business.